The 6th transmission – Let go and allow

This is the 6th transmission for humanity Let go. Let go and allow the light into your world. Letting the liquid lighted love flow freely to you and through you will assist in this time of rapid transformation. There is no need to focus outside of yourself. There is...

The Fourth Transmission – Find ways to love

This is the fourth transmission for humanity Greetings dear ones. How lovely that you are here today to hear the message that is to be shared as wide as can be.  There is no need to be alarmed, dear ones, as events will intensify. This is the change that is...

The Third Transmission – Let go of the ego-mind

This is the third transmission for humanity Dear Ones, it is time. Time to excel and do what is needed for the planet and for humanity.  Going higher and letting go of the little things.  You need to let go of the ego mind. This is not about what is best for...

The Second Transmission – The new way of being

This is the second channeled transmission for humanity Growing into this new reality, this new way of being is not going to be easy . It will require everyone to make changes. The pandemic has been a great showcase that humanity can stand together and make tremendous...